Transform your safety approach with Hazard Recognition Plus (HRP), an innovative, human-based process that focuses on energy sources as the foundation of work. Unlike traditional risk assessments that only look at hazards, HRP identifies the energy sources that create these hazards, allowing us to manage and prevent them from entering the workplace.
Organisations often fail to recognise how hazards are created, which is from some form of energy and therefore miss opportunities to prevent the hazard from entering the workplace. If you can remove or manage the energy source, you eliminate or reduce the hazards BEFORE they become risks, resulting in less harm to people and improved processes.
Hazard Recognition Plus is not a program, it is a human-based process that uses energy as the foundation of work. The process involves 8 energy categories, 5 thought process questions and 3 energy management techniques. As it’s a process, HRP does not replace any program or system in your business. It is integrated into and supports everything from leadership discussions to process safety, permits, JSEAs and Work Instructions, Stop work authorities, product quality, and more.
Why is recognising hazards important?
Identifying hazards is the fundamental component needed to protect our workers. It goes beyond safety to encapsulate every aspect of the work a business performs.
Workers cannot manage what they do not recognize. Workers do not perform tasks expecting to get hurt, if they see the hazard they will manage it.
How can businesses improve?
A multitude of programs and processes are developed in an effort to manage risk. Yet incidents continue to happen, because all of these rely on managing ‘anything or something with the potential to cause harm’, which is how industry around the world defines a hazard.
By looking beyond the traditional view of hazards towards a more progressive understanding of how hazards are formed, energy.
HRP helps businesses establish a common language which ensures levels of planning reflect accurately the risk of the job. Using a common language to perform ‘energy based’ observations ensures quality interactions take place, and ultimately a safer, more efficient and productive operation
The difference.
HSE Global works alongside organizations to integrate fundamental principles of the HRP systematic approach which makes already existing management systems more effective.
“It’s so simple, it’s profound” is a quote from the Vice President of Operations for a large oil and gas company.
By creating a common language built around energy based recognition, we move into a culture of learning where:
- Employees grow in competence in identifying hazards and therefore increasing their ability to control them
- Leadership actively engages in meaningful interactions with the workforce
- Job planning and work discussions grow in quality
- Increased reliability
- Reduction of waste
- Increased production
One CEO stated, ‘It’s leadership changing culture wrapped around a hazard recognition process.’
One Chemical Manufacturing company with 6 manufacturing sites across the US performed a full-integration of the HRP process in the work execution and reported moving their TRIR from 0.71 to 0.24 within 6 months (69% reduction!). Two years later they won the Responsible Care award for the integration of HRP across their manufacturing sites.
An Oil and Gas corporation who chose to focus on the quality of job planning utilizing HRP – they reduced paperwork by focusing on quality over quantity and reduced recordable incidents from an average of 10/year to 0. Two years into use of the process they brought their contractors under the process and reduced the contractor first aids by 73%!
Our Approach
HSE Global’s consultancy approach integrates a comprehensive, strategic framework commencing with understanding the current state of any organisation.
Phase 1 – Define
The DEFINE stage is to discover the current state, what struggles the organization has around recognizing hazards and managing risk. How work is currently planned and make specific recommendations to achieve sustainable change.
We seek to find what the current flow of work is in the organization. From the time it is decided that a certain task needs to be done or a new capital project needs to be executed to the time the wrenches are turning in the field – what does this flow look like? All decisions in this flow of work have an element of risk in them.
What struggles does the organization / site have in planning work; in incidents; in recognizing hazards. (On average globally, when organizations look back over 5 years of incident data, they have found an average of 70% of the accidents are directly related to the worker not identifying the hazard prior to starting the task.
Phase 2 – Engage
ENGAGE is about operational execution. This starts with conducting an HRP Leadership Orientation and Alignment Planning session to determine operational uses of the process to focus on initially. Then create the formation of a Steering Committee to govern the execution. We partner for as little or as much of the execution as is required.
Once the plan is set for initial use of the HRP process, it is recommended 20% of the workforce be developed as Coaches. (Dependent upon size of the operation, some organizations choose to enter into an Enterprise Agreement, so they develop the ability to train their own HRP Coaches internally.) A subset of the coaches will become trainers of the foundational process so the site / company can perform these internally.
Phase 3 – Sustain
The SUSTAIN stage ensures that the clients we partner with have the ability to self-manage and build on the success of Phase 2. We focus on increasing capability in planning work and utilizing the common language of energy and as a result – the capacity and competency of the organization.
Contact Us
Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions exports today.