
In Field Coaching

Why is this important?

  • Ever wondered why every sports team has a coach?
  • Skills can be learned in a classroom but competency must be developed through practice and coaching in the field.
  • There is no better way for humans to learn than to let them try something for themselves, in real time.
  • If you wish to accelerate the learning process, then support them with coaching.
  • Coaching challenges the learner to consider alternatives, refinements and fundamental shifts that may be required.
  • Coaching also provides the immediate feedback required to reinforce positive behavioral change.

How can businesses improve

Leadership influences Culture, Culture drives behaviors, behaviors deliver the results!

If we want to optimize our results, then we need to coach our leaders!

Investing in one on one leadership coaching for Executive Leadership Teams and Senior Managers has proven to embed learning faster with more sustainable behavioral change than training events or programs.

How we help our customers make a difference

HSE Global coaches some of Australia, New Zealand and United State’s leading Board of Directors, Executive Leadership teams and CEO’s.

We offer customized coaching programs across all aspects of Strategic leadership, health and wellbeing and safety leadership.

HSE Global can assess leaders strengths and weaknesses using the Safety Leadership Index (SLI) which provides a 360 degree perspective for the leader to base their coaching development needs upon.

In Field Coaching

HSE Global consultants conduct in-field coaching aligning participants to the importance of visible leadership and how to deliver a highly engaging and interactive safety conversation. Using an experiential approach, HSE Global takes participants through the What, So What and What Next of safety leadership and how they achieve performance optimization and prevent harm. Leaders learn the foundations of how to conduct an effective safety conversation and practice the execution “in the field”.


HSE Global provides a range of in field coaching solutions

  • Board/ Executive leadership coaching
  • Safety leadership coaching
  • Mental health wellbeing leadership coaching
Contact Us
“Thanks for the session today, it was of great value to me and the team. To be honest I was kinda dreading it as I felt it would likely be applied like an old school test of me and staff, but I was totally wrong. Instead I found it to be a very practical ‘no jargon’ exercise in staff engagement on safety and risk in the workplace, and your coaching support was excellent.”
– Executive Team Member Wollongong City Council

It’s time

to make a difference

Take the first step in transforming your business safety culture and speak with one of our solutions experts today.

    HSE Global Team