Join Emma Boucher (Mental Health and Wellbeing Facilitator and Senior Psychologist) and Kara Wise (Director, Commercial Partnerships and Mental Health) as they speak about Managing Workplace Mental Health: Tackling the 5 Most Common Workplace Challenges at the Workplace Mental Health Symposium.
Navigating the changing landscape of workplace rules, regulations, research and best practice when it comes to workplace mental health has been challenging at times. This session will share real-world insights into some of the most common organisational challenges in relation to mental wellbeing within the workplace and provide some practical examples of solutions. Stemming from research and their experience partnering with multiple industries and over 100 organisations across the globe, Kara and Emma will share a balanced practical, evidence-based and technical perspective on the 5 most common challenges and how organisations are addressing them.
Speaker Biography

Emma Boucher has spent almost 25 years working in the mental health field partnering with individuals, groups and organisations within public and private settings. As a Psychologist, Emma’s roles have included Community Mental Health, Team Leader and Lecturer. Emma has a wealth of experience in providing EAP and CI response services, RTW programs and employee evidence based training. Emma has worked with a variety of industry organisations providing Workplace Wellness, Mental Fitness and Mental Health First Aid trainings. Emma is a Principal Master MHFA Instructor and blends a dynamic delivery style that includes engagement of participants with sensitivity and compassion.
Speaker Biography

Kara works across Europe, Asia, ANZ and US, with Private&Public organisations, Government, Mental Health and Safety Authorities. With a background in business strategy and analytics, she’s spent the last 15 years supporting and enabling organisations in strategic planning, ISO alignment, cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure-based safety, neuroscience, safety leadership, culture change and mental wellbeing in the workplace. She chaired the Global Thought Leadership Committee across Canada, UK and ANZ and is a former senior lecturer/convenor at Swinburne and Monash universities. A Masters in Business from Monash University, post-graduate degree in Design-Thinking, MHFA accredited and holds a Prime Ministers Award for Community Leadership.