Operationalising Health and Safety Due Diligence

The HSE Global Operationalising Health and Safety Due Diligence course is about the personal duties that business owners, partners and directors have under health and safety law. The requirements are explained in plain language with practical and useful examples of how to meet these duties.

Health and Safety Due Diligence screenshot


Each training module can be accessed via desktop, tablet or smartphone and makes use of a learning journal and personal action plan which can be used in tandem with HSE Global’s Safety Leadership Index (SLI) tool.

The course should take you approximately 2.5-3 hours to complete.

Topics within the course include:

  • The six due diligence requirements

  • First Priorities

  • Using and Acting on Information

  • What ‘Good’ Due Diligence Looks Like

  • Assurance and Monitoring

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